Well I found a sale. Who can resist stamping plates for half off? Not this nail art lover!! MASH had some fantastic plates. I contained myself to three. One that I have wanted for a number of weeks
The scales pattern. I love mermaids and sea patterns. I've seen this pattern around in several posts. When I saw it on sale I hit the cart button so fast heads spun. I also love the swirl hearts. I'm really happy with this plate, and you all will be seeing it on my nails soon.
There were a number of patterns on this one I liked. Really, all of them. The cherries are to die for! I've got plans for those flowers too. It's going to be awesome! I'm a manicure Goddess in my own mind. Heh.
FLAMES! HEARTS!! Peacockish pattern! What's not to love in this plate? So pretty. I'm going to be styling soon.
I also got some glequins that I've been yearning for! STARS
And circles. Not terribly exciting, but versatile!
So, I'm really loving my delivery. I can't wait to build manicures with them!
Any of you have suggestions? I'd love to hear them.
Nice! I can't wait to see what nail designs you come up with :D